Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stranded Ike pictures

Above and below are two Ike aftermath pictures that got eaten on the way to constructing the Ike aftermath blog entry. Our first Sunday disaster tourism walk - after passign the clock and on the way to Chenoweth Square - included walking past the railroad crossing - with the gate stuck in downed power lines. Even after this part of St. Matthews had regained power a day or two later, the gate was still stuck, and I called the city - worried that eventually the gate was going to break. Below is a picture of St. Matthews Avenue, with all of the trees and downed power lines that we thought for many days were depriving our block of power (turned out to be just a couple houses down with the power lines - still hanging there today - near the black sports car, you'll recall). The city wouldn't remove the trees on St. Matthews Avenue for several days because they were worried the power lines might electrocute their workers, and the utility company wouldn't remove the power lines until the trees were cleared. This street stayed blocked off for almost a week. Eventually, Frisco and i figured a way around this, even in the morning in the dark.

-- Perry

1 comment:

Perry said...

I'm wondering if the second picture could be of Massie, instead of St. Matthews Avenue.

-- Perry