Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Ike pictures

During Ike when we weren't trying to find a restaurant that had electricity we had several candlelight meals. Usually these meals were fruit and sandwiches (using up the last of the bread before it went bad). I badly missed my morning coffee until Heine Brothers got their electric restored.

The candle holder we used the most was one that my step-brother, Bobby, had made for me. It has a place for nine different tea light candles. This put out quite a bit of light, especially paired with a few more candles and placed in front of our mirror on our mantle. Perry tried to capture some of the light, with some weird results.
I ended up using up most of my tea lights. I'll need to replenish my supply before the next hurricane hits Louisville.
Keep Bobby in your thoughts and prayers as he continues to under go treatment, both radiation and chemotherapy, for his in-operable brain cancer.

--- Stephanie

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