Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama foreign policy event

Monday night earlier this month I went to an Obama-Biden campaign foreign policy event, across the Ohio River in a battleground state (Indiana), at a school that Stephanie and Vincent visited as a possible school for him (and where two of my co-workers go to school). In fact, on the way from the parking lot to the library 3rd floor, I bought Vincent a T-shirt - he's now got one from every school he's visited - and looked around the campus, cafeteria, and library. The event started late but involved an Indiana Obama supporter (former Northern IN Congressman Tim Roemer (from South Bend) and a foreign policy expert by virtue of serving on the 9/11 Commission and one of Obama's chief foreign policy experts, Susan Rice, now with the Brookings Institute.

Congressman Roemer (above) gave more of a passionate case for electing Obama (whom he had apparently endorsed early on). He talked about the activities of the passengers on that flight over PA - who decided at great risk to make a change when things clearly weren't going right - as a model for what we should do now - make change when things clearly aren't going right (by electing Senator Obama president). Roemer was a good speaker.

Dr. Rice (pictured above and below) was a little more analytical, covering various foreign policy areas (this was before the big stock market meltdown and massive bailout proposal) and also making the case - as Roemer had - that - while Senator McCain has some foreign policy experience - he hasn't had good foreign policy judgment. When I asked Dr. Rice a question - essentially for our support for potential NATO members on Russia's Western border - similar question to one Governor Palin was asked - she pointed out my lack of knowledge and continued a relatively tough line - a la Senator McCain, instead of Patrick Buchanan - countries like Georgia and Ukraine should be able to join NATO if they want to (apparently never mind how nervous - perhaps understandably - this makes Russia).

Some of the most interesting moments from the event - sponsored by the College Democrats and moderated by an IUS prof - barely covered by the media - local FOX news and the Southern IN paper - involved the audience. Several people reflected on the campaign in general. A couple of Hilary Clinton supporters (one pictured below) reflected on why they have now gotten behind Senator Obama.

A couple of others (including the U of L professor pictured below) were very tough on President Bush and Senator McCain and said that they'd like to hear Senator Obama get back to calling a spade a spade and run a tough campaign against the monstrous government that the Bush Administration has helped create, that a McCain-Palin administration will only feed (sorry - my paraphrasal doesn't do the statements justice).

-- Perry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Perry & Stephanie,

This sounds like it was an interesting event.., and, being that Stephanie was talking about what a big Palin fan she is (wink*wink), I thought you all might enjoy this video clip. It's a spoof of the interview Katie Couric did of Palin. (You should watch the original first though~ it's on youtube)

Good hanging out with you guys last night, Sara without an H.