Wednesday, April 8, 2009


After temperatures in the weekends in the 70s (see "More signs of spring"), it snuck below freezing earlier this week. As I arrived for yet another dentist visit Tuesday, it was actually snowing at a nice clip - on April 7, no less - although it did not stick. Lest this seem too odd to us, Stephanie's colleagues let her know that once upon a time it snowed on Derby day. Hopefully, we're not headed towards anything like that, this year. (If you want to see the snow flakes better, click on the picture to enlarge it - They're there.)

-- Perry


Perry said...

Just to be safe, Stephanie asked me to put a towel over new plants she had just planted out in the back yard.

Perry said...

Stephanie has taken the towel off now, as the danger seems to have ebbed.

-- Perry