Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Original mission trip itinerary

Friday, March 27th
- 11:00: Leave Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church for Cincinnati
- 2:40: Flight leaves
- 9:00: Flight arrives in Guatemala City
Stay at the Mennonite seminary with Soila

Saturday, March 28th
- Exchange $$
- 10:00: Leave on bus for Rio Dulce
- 4:00: Arrive in Rio Dulce
- 4:00: Meet our EstoreƱo comrades and travel to El Estor
- Evening: Eat together and settle in with our host families!!
- Buenos noches! Que tenga un buen sueno!!!

Sunday, March 29th
- Eat breakfast with our host families
- Worship together in El Estor
- 12:00ish Eat Lunch together
- Afternoon: BUILD RELATIONSHIPS!!!! Visit with different church leaders and possibly visit different congregations.
- Dinner together as a group
- Evening: Worship

Monday: March 30th
- Meet with Presbytery leaders and work on covenant and continue building relationships.
- PM travel to Rio Dulce and settle into Hotel Bruno

Tuesday: March 31st
- Take the bus back to Guatemala City and spend the evening with Soila and Jeff. Debrief and prayer time together.

Wednesday: April 1st
- Visit cultural sites and learn more about Guatemala.
- Visit with Soila, Jeff, and Amanda

Thursday: April 2nd
- 4:45 a.m. Arrive at airport
- 6:00 a.m. Flight departure
- 2:00 p.m. Arrive in Cincinnati
- 4:00ish Arrive in Louisville

For more information about the trip, see

-- Perry

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