Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow day!

It was a big snowstorm (for us) 10 months ago that first got us using a digital camera and blogging. In fact, a picture not unlike the one above graced our first ever blog entry ("Snow emergency"). Snow last night made it possible for all of us to stay home and continuing to blog on my laptop - thanks in this case to the router that Stephanie got me for Christmas and just installed last week. All three of us had snow days. I still got up (about 3 1/2 hours later than usual on a weekday) and walked Frisco and shoveled the driveway and sidewalks (I somehow failed to finish and shovel out the two cars out front.). Pictured below is our street this morning (looking somewhat different than it did in the last pictures of it on the blog - from back during the Ike aftermath).

Here's our house again with the snow and our little red rental car (that's another story).

Stephanie used the broom to sweep snow off the front porch and front steps, the sidewalk, and the car (notice her cute purple Land's End coat that she's worn only rarely since we left MN).

Here's Stephanie throwing a snowball at me.

Below is the driveway after our handiwork (but more snow, sleet, and freezing rain is due tonight).

And what would a snowstorm be without a sledding trip to the neighborhood golf course? I took the cool blue sled that we got Vincent for Christmas during our year in MN. There were even some kids snowboarding there (which Vincent tried several times in MN). Since school kids all had the day off, the problem was the same one we faced on "King Kong hill" in Battle Creek park near our apartment in MN - too many people out at once, meaning you spend your whole time trying to avoid running into other people. Nothing can beat the first time Vincent and I went out - when Stephanie and Vincent (and Frisco!) were prospectively visiting my for their spring break in MN and Vincent and I went out to the Town and Country golf course and corraled two abandoned sleds and sled - by ourselves! (since it was not spring break in MN and kids there almost never got snow days) - on the best sledding hill in the Twin Cities (just two blocks from my dorm). (Two days later we went back with Stephanie and Frisco, but the snow wasn't quite as good then and we got cold.)

Below is a picture from a little closer up. I tried to take a picture while I went down, but that didn't work.

We already know that Stephanie and Vincent both have tomorrow off (unusual for Vincent - not so unusual for Stephanie - with all of the hilly rural bus routes out in Floyd County). I have to get up and call around 6 a.m. to find out whether I go in. I suspect I'll at least have a two-hour delay. I left a box of materials for work - with of all things a crown that came out of my mouth for the second time - and the dentist was actually open today - and so that's one reason I need work to be open so that I can get the crown re-attached - before my teeth move and fill in the gap (see "Odd maladies").
-- Perry

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