Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is coming

After all the strange weather events we have had in Louisville this past year when we finally had a nice sunny, if cool day, Perry and I walked the dog together. We marveled at the blooms on the trees that have just opened up in the past day or two. We kept hoping that spring is finally coming and no more cold weather (or odd weather events) kill of the beautiful blooms.

Frisco had renewed vigor in smelling every little thing. The walk that usually takes 45 minutes stretched into over an hour. Perry and I stopped to snap photos of some of the more amazing trees. This tree (pictured above and below) is in front of a wellness/natural healing center much like Penny and Serge have in Virginia.

One sure sign that this is spring in Louisville and in no other city is the signs for Derby preparation. The newspaper has had articles now for several months, but the hat shows, dress shows, and fashion shows are starting to really gear up. This sign just a block from our house shows just how full swing the Derby preparation is.

This is a photo we took walking past some of the boutiques in our neighborhood. While there may be a recession in the rest of the country women all over the world are picking out their Derby hats. Derby may be in May, but the season starts early here. Hmm, I wonder where I'll get my hat this year?

--- Stephanie

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