Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heat wave

After a week of cold weather - and the ice storm - we got temperatures up past 60 degrees, which melted much of the ice on the trees, though some snow and ice remains on the ground (and plenty of buildings still don't have electric power). With little precedent, our church canceled Sunday school and Sunday morning worship, since our church building still has no power (and therefore no heat) and the roads around church are still poorly plowed. In the midst of the cold, this flower has been bizarrely blooming in our kitchen.

Today's bright, hot sun blotted out my effort to take a pictures of another temperature gauge.

Stephanie talked with one of our neighbors about the few neighbors who had lost power, as Stephanie tried to sweep away ice that still tripped Vincent and me up (including on the steps from and to our front porch). Despite the warmth, Stephanie has a two-hour delay tomorrow and - with a number of schools still without power - students like Vincent in the Louisville school system will stay home yet another day (even though we know Vincent's school has power). More cold weather and some snow is headed back here, though I hope not enough to imperil a meeting I have scheduled with out-of-town people Wednesday and Thursday.
-- Perry

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