Monday, February 16, 2009

Take that, Mr Claus!

Earlier in November Frisco (pictured above far right) and I walked part of the scaled back Vogueshopping area version of the St. Matthews Holiday Walk. St. Matthews once had a somewhat regular suburban downtown, with the big Sears shopping center nearby. Now, it has more bars and restaurants (along with some regular staples like a hardware laundromat, shoe repair store, and two liquor stores, a gas station, and a CVS. But the city helped recently restore the area around the old Vogue movie theater, and now there are more upscale stores and restaurants, plus Chenoweth Square shopping center, St. Matthews Station, and a range of businesses- some upscale, some like our podiatrist's office and orthodontist's office - in houses even nearer to where we live. Early in the Christmas season stores stay open late and offer refreshments. (Three years ago, in our first year in St. Matthews, all four of us took it in - back when they had a trolley and it took in the whole "Heart of St. Matthews" shopping area, even the part very near our house.) Towards the end of us circling around we happened upon Santa. I was going to ask Santa to hold Frisco and I was going to take a picture of them. However, Frisco didn't like Santa's beard or something and he tried to bite Santa (pictured looking scared above). And so that was the end of that.

-- Perry

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