Monday, February 2, 2009

Prayer requests

Almost a year ago my colleague Jack's mother died after falling and breaking a hip as they tried to start moving Jack's parents out of their South End home. At the time of the visitation and funeral I got a chance to talk with some of Jack's family members, including his father. Jack is one of two of my professional colleagues who grew up in Louisville (but Jack left town for some 20 years before coming back to work at the Presbyterian Center). Jack's parents did live down the street from the shopping center where Stephanie used to teach English to adult Vietnamese immigrants. Jack and his siblings had helped move his father into an indepedent and assisted living facility in an east end suburb afterwords. But last week Jack said his father had leukemia and had taken a turn for the worse. When the assisted living facility lost power, the familiy brought in hospice and shifted him to the Veterans Administration hospital. I thought about stopping there Sunday, but didn't. And Jack's father died Sunday night. We'll be looking for information about the visitation and funeral (back at the same South End funeral home where they did the honors for Jack's mother?). Keep Jack and his siblings and Jack's wife Patti in your prayers.

You might also keep the families of some half a dozen Kentuckiana people who died as a result of the ice storm - mainly from carbon monoxide poisoning from generators and kerosene heaters - and some people in Kentuckiana and especially in outyling rural areas - including in Leitchfield - where I have shopped during church retreats and which we drove through after a visit with long-lost relatives on Mom's side of the family - who still did not have power - and for the many utility workers who have come help us restore power sometimes at risk to their health and lives (a utility worker got shocked and went to the hospital over the weekend).

-- Perry

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