Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good-bye, Syesha!

Tuesday night the three remaining "Idol" contestants took on songs the judges and producers had picked for them, along with one of their picks. David Cook's cover of Roberta Flack's "The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face," which he apparently sang to his mother, was the best performance of the nine, we thought. Syesha Mercado's cover of Peggy Lee's "Fever" (pictured above) was not enough to save her from elimination, as we've got the fabled David (Archuletta) vs. David (Cook) finals next week. One of my colleagues said that Cook may be better off losing, in that he's probably already snared a big enough audience for future records from appearing in the show, and, if he wins, the "Idol" producers will control his career for the next few years.

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