Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bad knee

This past weekend I faced a reminder that the challenges my Mother has been facing with her knees: pain and soreness, and surgeries – I can probably also look forward to. During my high school running career, use injured my right knee. This is the same knee that was hit by a car when I was jogging across the street during my last few months in Manhattan for grad school. After a couple of years of off and on physical therapy (my Albany lead physical therapist - John - pictured more recently above right) the knee bothered me less, and time and some at-home exercise have ended most of the pain. But this weekend I twisted the bad knee, and it hurt for me to get in and out of the car and to walk up and down stairs. This is just a fraction of the kind of pain and immobility that my Mom has been dealing with for the past decade plus. The experience (my knee feels better now) makes me feel even more empathetic with Mom and signals to me that I may have to deal even with arthroscopic knee surgery and knee replacement surgery myself (at least in my right knee) eventually.

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