Monday, July 14, 2008

Imelda Marcos

I love shoes. I've always loved shoes. I shoe shop whenever I can, even though now I have to be careful to buy only comfortable shoes. When I was a teenager and living with my Grandma in the south end I had lots of shoes. I had shoes to match each outfit...turquoise blue ballet slippers, red crocodile skin penny loafers, black patent leather flats with puzzle pieces on the toes, white loafers with jeweled pieces on a chain across the toe, pink heels with little flowers on the toes, etc. Shoes were always fun for me and a way to be fashionable. My Grandma at one point in time counted my many pairs of shoes (40-ish) and called me "Imelda Marcos".

Coming to Martha's some of the jobs I've done have been little ones, tightening the screws in the kitchen table, vacuuming under her bed when the new mattress came, figuring out her new Sansa MP3 player, in general trying to help her make life easier. Saturday morning she asked for help organizing one of her bedroom closets. She was having trouble reaching higher shelves and finding shoes (and other things) she wanted. This sounded easy.

As I first emptied her closet we sorted through boxes of shoes. She had kept the original boxes when possible so that her shoes could be stored without dust and she could see what they were easily. We agreed on discarding several pair (mostly white that were too dingy to give away), including two 1/2 pairs of shoes. We joked that she must have tossed the other shoe of these pairs and not gotten around to tossing the better shoe mate (Perry style with his socks...ugh). We even made a pile for GoodWill.

At one point, between all the giggling and laughing, we came across three wigs. Martha tried them on and with tears in our eyes from the laughter we agreed that tossing them would be more appropriate than GoodWill, especially since we had a hard time figuring the front from the back.

Today while Martha was at rehab I dropped off the many boxes of shoes a long with a jacket and exercise equipment, that is too difficult for her to use now, at GoodWill. Many of her shoes were hard for her to part with, which I can totally relate to. But as I reminded her cleaning out her shoes means now she has room for other things...maybe more shoes.

-- Stephanie


Anonymous said...

Yes, feng shui the house while you're at it!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie has always loved her shoes. When she was little, if I couldn't find a shoe, all I had to do was look under her pillow! I haven't been able to wear pretty shoes for 8 years due to a car acciden but it doesn't keep me from looking and dreaming of wearing pretty shoes.
I love the wig picture!