Monday, July 7, 2008

Possible mate

Another long-term possible running mate for Senator Obama is another former rival: New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. I had a grudge against Richardson because he was in charge of the Energy Department during the Clinton Administration during the witch hunt against Asian American scientist Wen Ho Lee, who seemed to be a scapegoat for secruity breeeches at an Energy Department lab. But Richardson is smart, Latino, and has a good resume with some national security credentials (he was the U.N. ambassador) (and can sort of run against Washington because he's been a governor and - having dropped out and endorsed Obama - was an effective surrogate for Obama on the CBS morning news show we watch. I thought many of the Obama and Hillary Clinton rivals were bland and Richardson no less so. But I noticed something different about Richardson that morning - and it's his goatee which makes him long younger (my grayish one did not make me look younger).) To my surprise, Richardson apparently notices this too. When Harry Smith asked Richardson about the possibility of becoming Obama's running mate, the only thing Richardson said: Would I have to cut off my beard? Hopefully not.

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