Monday, March 17, 2008

The evolution of gaming

For several weeks Vincent has been reading books such as "Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age" and his "Game Informer" magazines (with the electronics holiday he's not currently allowed to watch the "G4" cable TV network) to prepare for a 30-minute (?!) presentation on "The Evolution of Gaming" in English this week. Since he wasn't at the Kentucky United Nations Assembly, instead he did his presentation today. He made a 24-slide PowerPoint presentation with graphics (on a black background!), broke the class into groups to take four different video game trivia quizzes (questions like: What was Mario's original name?) (Mario pictured above and to the left), and 10 minutes of his classmates trying out Nintendo's (multi-character) Super Smash Brothers. He got his friends to bring some extra equipment and we brought his GameCube (otherwise off-limits for now with the electronics holiday). He said the whole event went pretty well, even though he went over on time (I wondered how he'd fill 30 minutes) and even though this is one interest that he and his teacher, Becky, clearly don't share. They weren't able to lure her into trying out Super Smash Brothers. (Answer: Jumpman)

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