Friday, March 21, 2008

Possible knee surgery

My Mother is now talking about having the first of two conventional knee surgeries early this summer (probably at the same hospital where she nearly died 10 years ago, with the supposed model hospital room pictured above) in part so that Stephanie, my sister, and I can help her out during and immediately after surgery, at rehab, and then at home. Stephanie may have a nice break between summer school (assuming they still have it) in June and teachers having to go back to school in early August for the regular school year. I'll be in northern California for at least a few days for the church's General Assembly later in June. My Mother has been avoiding this partly because it will take her out of work for at the very least a couple of months. But she isn't yet sure she wants to retire, and her general health isn't getting any better and so it will just get harder and harder for her to recover from this. It's a scary time for state and local government/school employees across the country because lagging tax revenues due to the recession may force layoffs. Mom does take tai chi classes and has just started going to see a trainer at a women's gym, in part to get ready for the surgery.

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