Monday, March 10, 2008

Available soon on video . . .

I got to speak on camera for a while this afternoon, as two of my Presbyterian Center colleagues and I used a teleprompter and two production people to make the orientation videos that will go out to some 1,000 people who will be participating in the big every-two-years Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) meeting in June in San Jose. For the first time, I’ll probably be attending those meetings myself, helping staff our Research Services booth in the exhibit area. The video I spoke for will also be on the Web, and perhaps I’ll include a link to it when it’s live. I also talked for the U.S. Congregational Life Survey video, and I did such a bad job that they kept my voice but only ran a couple of seconds of my face. Hopefully, this one went a little better. (On the left is the Reverend Joan Gray, PC(USA) moderator, who will lead the first part of June's General Assembly.)

1 comment:

Mark and Sara said...

Good god, I hope you didn't talk too fast on the video!