Friday, April 10, 2009

12 hours!

I spent 12 of 25 straight hours in the Crescent Hill church Education Building (all but one of the hours in the”Fireside Room”) yesterday and today. Wednesday night I participated in two church meetings (missing Children’s Fellowship in the process), and then stayed 2 ½ more hours (until 11 p.m.) to type up notes from the two meetings. Then all day Friday – from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 with a one-hour lunch break at a nearby restaurant – the six “professional” staff people in my office held a planning meeting off-site from the Presbyterian Center – in the Fireside Room at church (the church that both our manager and I attend – next week I’m using the church office twice to lead nighttime phone focus groups). We talked about an array of possible changes in office policies and practices – but only covered half of the topics on a page plus of topics – maybe too many topics to ever follow up on – especially since much of the follow-up would be time-consuming, at least in the short run. Then, after a run to watch “Coraline” and pick up the dog, I was back in the Education Building – this time in the Fellowship Hall - with some 40 other folks from Crescent Hill and Anamchara (the Catholic congregation that worships in our sanctuary Sunday afternoons) with a Maundy Thursday service that featured hand-washing (instead of foot washing) and a husband-and-wife tag team (Molly and Dave) with Dave (pictured above) preaching.

P.S. I was back at church with Vincent Friday for our 45-minute 12:15 p.m. Good Friday service, then on the nearby Irish Rover restaurant for too much food with a dozen other Crescent Hill folks.
-- Perry

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