Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday update

One clear loser in the end of the house arrest (though still often profiting from Vincent not being at school everyday) is Frisco, who today for example is home alone for a protracted period for the first weekday day in a long time. I’ll stop at home to walk him in about an hour.Also – Great news on the school front: Unbeknownst to us at the time, Vincent failed his spring-semester junior-year social studies class (second-semester World Civilization) last spring, before he went to Denmark. (Of course, he also failed six classes last fall semester.) Passing World Civilization and passing one of his fall-semester classes (first-semester Senior English) are both required for him to graduate from high school (in addition to getting some eight or so more semester credits and passing second-semester Senior English). Today Vincent (after getting up at 6:45 a.m. and going out for a two-mile walk that would have been banned Tuesday morning) went to the Jefferson County High School main office – in the same building where he went to two disciplinary district meetings – and earned an 81 on the final (he said he forgot who Gorbachev was), passing World Civilization with a “B” (with a 92%).

Vincent said he picked up a job application at our local Heine Brothers coffee shop and may apply on-line when he gets to the Fourth Street Alive Borders Books and Music store (pictured above) (where he’s going to hang out now).Good going, Vincent!

P.S. Aunt June has started chemotherapy treatment (weekly) and radiation treatment (five days a week), but even with this her doctor says she probably has a year to live. She has trouble eating because her throat (which has throat cancer) hurts all the time. Please pray for June, her health care providers, and Barb, Sandy, Diana, Dustin, Jay, and Justice.

P.P.S. Vincent came home for a while and then went back out to one of his friends’ house within St. Matthews – and played four square, then had half a dozen of his friends stop by to “welcome him back” (from house arrest/being exited from school). Most of these were friends he started hanging out with this year, partly in connection with the Danish exchange.

-- Perry

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