Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Parade and more

My Easter Saturday this year was much the same as last year (see "Saturday before Easter") - but later and much warmer, with less time at the egg hunt and more time at taxes - and with Stephanie and Frisco (pictured below) with me at the Easter parade (with the front of the parade - at the midpoint on Frankfort Avenue - pictured above.

We walked by the Easter bunny, but the bunny looked busy so Frisco didn't get a chance to meet him (and - besides - Frisco growled at Santa during the Vogue area Holiday walk in November).

People walking the parade from a veterinarian's office gave us some treats, which we're not really supposed to give to Frisco, but he got some (as you can see below) anyway.

Kosair members drove their little cars (pictured below) in the parade (how do their legs fit into those cars?). Stephanie mentioned that financial problems has forced Kosair to close some 18 hospitals nationwide - sparing for now hospitals that Vincent visited in his infancy (Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, which also forgave our debts to them) and much more recently (Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville).

Phil (pictured below), from our church, had a stroke some 15 months ago. He was back on his bike going back and forth on Frankfort Avenue during the parade. He said he had only fallen once.

I forget the names of this woman and her companion animal ferret. Both had cute hats. She said the ferret originally had a cute outfit also, but the animal had doffed it by the time we passed her.

Stephanie, Frisco, and I walked a little more than half of the parade route, and then the Crescent Hill church truck/float finally passed us by - with a sign with our Sunday worship start time (11:00 a.m.) and banners on the side saying - "Jesus Is Alive!" - and "Find out at Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church." Stephanie and Frisco kept on walking - all the way home - probably some three more miles. I walked along with several adults with the truck. The year before - when it was colder - I had rode in the truck with the youth. The youth and some adults greeted people ("Happy Easter!") and threw lots of candy. The youth actually restocked running into Walgreen's along the way to buy some more. Two or three years ago Vincent rode in the truck, as the youth sang "He's Alive." On the way there Stephanie and I ran into a group from the Presbyterian Center, and I introduced Stephanie to the PC(USA) General Assembly Council executive director, Linda Valentine. On the way back one of Vincent's former favorite teachers at Brown, Becky, one of his English teachers - with whom I had carried out a dry e-mail communication about Vincent's high school English portfolio (it was shipped to his new school) and who was the very last teacher with whom we spoke at the fateful parent-teacher conference day a couple of weeks before Vincent left Brown - rushed out to say hello to Vincent (and me) and ask about the portfolio. I asked Becky about the senior trips - including one she'd led to Costa Rica - and confessed that Brown - in our minds - is somewhat frozen in time - just as it was two months ago when Vincent left (as Vincent may be in their minds) - when, in fact, life has continued and the school (and Vincent) has already changed in two months.

Jerry, Luis, and other youth sit in the back of the truck, taking a break from throwing candy. I tried throwing candy a couple of times, and I came so close to hitting people that they made me quit.

Marcus, a youth team and Outreach Council member and new elder, and Marian, Evangelism Committee chair, marched alongside the truck.

I stopped at an elementary school campus in my old neighborhood, center city Lousiville's Phoenix Hill neighborhood, to check in on their annual Easter egg hunt, which I helped a little out with more last year.

I also stopped by taxes, to say good-bye to folks, but found a short line of clients, and so I helped one person with their taxes. By the time I left, Tenida (on the right below), site coorindator, was already talking about next year with others.

-- Perry

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