Sunday, June 8, 2008

Indiana Jones

Last night after working on the walls, trying out the hammock, and basically trying to keep cool, I went to see Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Much like the other Indiana Jones it had lots of adventure and dramatic chase scenes in exotic locations, some very far fetched. But the temples in the Latin American scenes reminded me of the Guatemalan temple ruins we visited last summer, which made it seem less like a fantasy until the end where it seemed very much like science fiction. Over all it was a fun movie. Kate Blanchett was good as the Russian scientist bad-girl. Of course after seeing all of these Indiana Jones movies I have to wonder if the romanticism of anthropology these movies present isn't the reason I went into anthropology as an undergraduate. I was always interested in Egypt but maybe that was because it was the most exotic location I could think of as a kid. Indiana Jones definitely feeds my romantic (see the end of the movie) and science geek sides, even if everything is far fetched. I especially like the lead lined refrigerator scenes.

-- Stephanie

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