Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Celebrating Frisco's birthday

Besides checking on whether there are Toastmasters chapters and Seminole and Buckeye clubs, before moving to a town we also ask around about whether there is at least one doggie bakery. When I lived in Sarasota, I once drove back there from Tallahassee for the weekend in part to get a doggie birthday cake for Frisco. We've had doggie bakeries not only in Sarasota (where they didn't really bake on-site) but also in Minneapolis and St. Paul and also here in Louisville, where there's a doggie bakery (with restricted hours) in Chenoweth Square, just a block and a half from our house. But ever since we've moved to Louisville, there have been no birthday cakes for Frisco, because he came down with pancreatitis our first year here, and he gets no people food and no treats anymore. However, once a year we go to the doggie bakery and get something very bland treat for him. This year Vincent stopped Tuesday at the Three Dog Bakery and got a bone-shaped biscuit made of peanut butter and flour with "Frisco" etched on the side possibly in carob that we hoped, in small doses, wouldn't trigger a pancreatitis attack. (Frisco was born on May 13, 2000, in Arkansas.) After dinner we opened Frisco's birthday card for him, read it to him, sang him "Happy Birthday," and then went out with the treat and Stephanie gave him a small piece of it. Frisco is so excited by anything except the nutritious dog food we usually give him, that he's always very excited by something like this. We'll give him a little bit of this every day this week. Happy birthday, Frisco!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleano, Frisco! That chocolate-covered bone cookie looks good!