Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ice cream maker

My grandparents in Westerville used to have an old-fashioned ice cream maker. Penny remembered this when she asked for homemade ice cream for the belated wedding reception Grandpa and Grandma and my aunts threw for Penny and Serge there. We also got Vincent a kid's ice cream maker for a holiday several years ago. I guess Stephanie has been looking out for a more heavy-duty one for some time and saw one on sale for $18 at Target today. She bought it, figured out, and found a Weight Watchers recipe for nectarine ice cream. She went shopping for nectarines, sugar, and rock salt, and I got the ice. The result was more like a combination of homemade vanilla ice cream (yummy - but Splenda would be better for us - though Stephanie didn't overload it with sugar, so it's not super sweet) and frozen nectarines. All yummy! Now, Stephanie has started rooting through her cookbooks and the Internet for light ice cream maker ice cream recipes. Many of the possibilities sound tantalizing, though I'm not sure what it might do to my already rising weight. This was on top of a great dinner Stephanie made with huge split chicken breasts, grilled zucchini, and bulgur wheat. Triple yummy! Can't wait to see what she comes up with this summer (whenever we're both here)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Splenda some kind of chlorine chemical??!! You may want to try stevia--it takes just a little bit to sweeten like regular sugar and it's made from a plant so it's not a chemical.