Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mondoo at Toastmasters

My "Demonstrating Diversity" demonstration talk at Toastmasters didn't exactly go as planned. In all of the complex preparation I somehow forgot to bring a critical ingredient: the mondoo skins (I was demonstrating how to make mondoo while also making a pitch for consolidating diversity by sharing across cultural lines). I have had the idea for several months for this talk. Actually making mondoo for Vincent's class a week ago nudged me to actually to do it. I also forgot to describe mondoo, early on, as a dumpling like the Chinese wonton. And - as I feared - I went way over. But I got in the third of five speeches in the Toasmasters "Speaking to Inform" advanced manual, our club got only the second manual speech of 2008, and I did share fried mondoo I had cooked at home minutes earlier with five Toastmasters colleagues. I forgot to bring my camera to the meeting too, so the representation above on mondoo will have to do.

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