Saturday, May 10, 2008

A little bit of Guatemala

In July of last year we visited Guatemala for eight days. We went to El Estor, Rio Dulce, and Antigua. While in El Estor and Rio Dulce Vincent had episodes of an upset stomach. Some of the upset stomach episodes were due to heat, some due to traveling, some due to eating habits while in a foreign country. In El Estor in particular it was hot, humid, and Vincent at times was under the weather. On one day he went to a house to help with pouring concrete floors but ended up laying in a family's hammock. instead. He slept off and on in the hammock and noted the wonders of comfort. While in Antigua, Perry and I both went off to one of the wonderful markets. After stumbling around trying to find each other and haggling in our bad Spanish for smaller gifts we finally met up and decided on the perfect gift for Vincent for Christmas. We bought, after much debate with each other and poor Spanish negotiations with the Guatemalan salesman, a hammock to take back to Louisville. We surprised Vincent this Christmas by giving it to him. He couldn't figure out how we got it all the way back to the states without him noticing. Today, with the warm weather, after mowing and trimming the backyard I finally hung the hammock for Vincent. Of course, he tried it out and then Perry and I both tried it out. I'm already thinking of the month of June when Vincent will be in Denmark, Perry will be away in Tallahassee and San Jose, and I will be home alone with Frisco. Yeah, maybe the hammock for Vincent will become the family hammock. (View from the hammock top photo)
-- Stephanie


Anonymous said...

Hope we'll be able to see Perry when he's in town. We'll be gone probably from June 12 on...

Anonymous said...

We'll be in OH for Mark's brother's wedding in Cincinnati area June 28.