Thursday, August 28, 2008

Brown, green, blue (and red) weekend

I had a busy weekend last weekend (the weekend before Labor Day weekend) mainly working on events I was tangentially involved in. You might recall that last spring I helped a little organize a (trial) Walkathon for the Parent-Student-Teacher Association at Vincent's school, the Brown School. This time we did it much earlier in the year. We hoped for 200 people (or students?) and for $5,000 raised, to replace the old catalog orders. We also hoped for anice start-of-the-year event to welcome Brown students and their families (and to do a better job than the catalog sales done of drawing in middle school and high school students). Pictured above is a fun activity that helped start the spring walkathon too - chalking the sidewalks to let people know where to walk (preferably three times - approximately three miles).

Pictured below is Vincent's friend Cody, who is the Student Council president. He and his Mother helped organized a Student Council fund-raiser, with students getting to throw pies at their favorite (or not so favorite) teachers. Elementary school students and teachers pretty much participated in this.

Stephanie and Vincent stopped by for about 45 minutes. Stephanie brought some fruit. Vincent brought pledges/contributions and walked the two miles. They both chit-chatted - including with the family of one of Vincent's Danish exchange program colleagues, Nathan (including his mother, pictured below).

I left Old Louisville's Central Park, scene of the Walkathon, before the clean-up was entirely through, at 1 p.m., in time to drive to southern Jefferson County's Beulah Presbyterian Church, scene of the Mid-Kentucky Presbytery's annual training event. I caught the tail end of lunch/tabling and then most of a worskhop on introducing environmental issues - particularly to youth groups - led by a seminary student tied with our church, Rebecca. I explained I was partly looking for ideas for a children's workshop Stephanie and I were leading as part of an environmental issues fair at our church the next morning. Rebecca led a great workshop, complete with ideas/activities on how to focus folks on environmental Awareness, Information, ...

I hopped in my hot car at 2:30 p.m. to drive back past Old Louisville and over the Ohio River to Jeffersonville, IN, where I hoped to attend the later part of an opening of a Jeffersonville IN Obama for president headquarters. I got there in time to see the second half of an Obama cake.

More importantly, I got there in time to see - through a projector - the new Obama-Biden ticket's Springfield, IL event. Senator Obama presented a pretty compelling family story - including the line that Senator Biden never moved to Washington - about a running mate I had mixed feelings about. Senator Biden did an OK job reading a speech - I'm sure he'll get better - but the event on the whole was good. There a mix of blacks and whites at the local event - with some paid staff - one married to a Filipino (?) American I met - and possible tugs - volunteering for Congressman Hill's campaign, the Obama campaign, (or back in Louisville the Congressman Yarmouth campaign)?

I talked with Nancy (pictured below), a Clark County Democratic official and (Louisville suburban) Oldham County school administrator who befriended me several events ago. She said that several local officials - including some who had been lukewarm about Obama (Congressman Hill wasn't there - but you'll recall that he had endorsed Obama before the IN primary - even though Senator Clinton won the district easily) - including Sheriff Danny Rodden - a striking figure who - when volunteering for Hill - I had ended up making calls for - and whose surprise victory was the centerpiece of a memorable Clark County (IN) Democrats event Stephanie and I went to - in a Jeffersonville bingo parlor - on Election Night 2006.

The next morning I was bright up and early at church at 8 a.m. to start setting up the Environmental Justice breakfast/event. When we pulled just - at the start - 2 kids out (the number grew), I read the story from the lectionary of Pharoah's family discovering baby Moses in the reeds - and Stephanie and I used this story to talk about favorite - and potentially life-changing - natural areas that God wants us to protect. Stephanie showed pictures - from the blog! - or Wakulla Springs and her visit there. And then the kids and we engaged in a craft activity Stephanie and I had found on the Internet - using construction paper to make the spring and grass and Moses and his sister, Miriam. By this time, Rebecca (from the Saturday workshop!) had shown up, with the two foster kids who that had been with her family for a couple of weeks. These two kids were dead set on posing for the camera, and so I took one picture with one of them and one without them.

Later some of the other folks who had organized the event appeared as part of an innovative "sermon" with our pastor, who asked them - set up in a panel - a series of questions (which they'd seen before) - which weaved together in a nice message.

Having picked up the green (to environmental events), brown (Sc hool), and blue (Democratic Party), we picked up the red late Sunday when we went to see - with his red suit - "Iron Man" (which only Stephanie had not seen).
-- Perry

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