Saturday, August 9, 2008

School shopping

My mom always used to take me back to school shopping in the fall. This was a time to see what was in style, what the other girls were wearing, but also to purge things that no longer fit just right or were faded, used and abused. This was also a time when we would giggle and laugh at out-landish clothes (or prices) and a genuine bonding time.

As I grew older I no longer out grew all my clothing, money became more of an issue, and time was always a costly commodity. Vincent, being a boy, just wasn't as interested in clothes shopping, except for black jeans and t-shirts. Tennis shoes he might get excited about, but over all back to school shopping has slipped to the back burner for mom and I.

Last summer my step-brother, Scott, who lives on the island of Saipan brought his daughter, Loni, with him back to the states. He asked mom to take her back to school shopping since as a dad (and one that lives on a Pacific island in nowhere land) he had no clue what to purchase. Mom and Loni were over joyed. Scott was later to learn that shopping in the states was much cheaper since the cost of importing clothing wasn't included. This year Scott made his annual trek back to the states, but without Loni. Mom was upset to not see her granddaughter until Scott said that Mariane, Loni's mom, had sent measurements and Loni had sent a wish list. So again, out trekked mom, now Loni-less, to purchase back to school clothes. She enjoyed the shopping, but was a little surprised to see on the wish list "hoodies". Living on a tropical island with the closest big island being Guam, this didn't seem like a "need". But then again, Loni explained, hoodies are in style.
Mom got to do her clothes shopping for a girl, much more fun than t-shirts and jeans, and Loni got to have hip up-to-date clothes from the states. Mom even purchased some Hannah Montana patterns to make some clothes for her. It is nice to see mom appreciated.

Today we are threatening to take Vincent back to school shopping. We already got him new tennis shoes when he came back from Denmark. We'll see if he is as appreciative as Loni.

-- Stephanie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do remember going shopping with mom and Ana for back to school clothing when we were younger. Now Mark and I only do shopping perhaps one/twice a year at the Tangier outlet mall south of Atlanta. Living in Japan, during the 90s, with its high prices, cured us of shopping.