Friday, August 1, 2008


My life long addiction to puzzles, especially games like Tetris has paid off. As I finished the dining room and pondered how to move everything out of the living room to paint, I thought of Tetris. Tetris is a game where pieces fall in different shapes and colors. In order to not "die" you must fit them together (at least three pieces of the same color) before they build up and touch the top of the screen. Now I have done the same thing with my furniture pieces (or at least most of them).
The normal "turtle corner" has been vacated. Turtles are lounging in the Florida room on the chaise lounge, even though I'm not sure they are enjoying it as much as I do. The black double decker turtle stand is tucked nicely between the dining room table (still the old one for now) and the newly painted wall.
The couch was a little harder for me to figure out. I wasn't about to let my last year summer school pay, ie. the couch, get paint all over it. But no matter what I did there just was no way I could move it somewhere "safe". So instead I got out my trusty tarps and moved it away from the walls. So far this has worked but has been really hard to paint the ceiling with something in the middle to block my getting a good angle with the extension roller.
After doing most of the ceiling, taping the mirror (that thing isn't coming down), and removing the window hardware I ran out of ceiling paint. My shoulders and neck are happy that I could take a break, but now I'm off to purchase the last of the paint (or at least what I hope is the last of the paint for the time being). Maybe next year I'll paint something else, but for now this is enough.

-- Stephanie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking good! Don't forget to consider the feng shui aspects when putting your rooms back together again! With this new paint job, you'll definitely get some good luck for the whole family!