Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tell us about it, Michelle! And tell him, Sasha!

The fact that, first, Senator Clinton, and, second, the Bush-Rove-McCain attack machine have pummeled Senator Obama on foreign policy expertise and experience and on being somehow unAmerican, forced him not only to pick a running mate (Senator Biden) that disturbs his change narrative but also to devote an entire night to introducing voters to his family and personal history. I still wish he could have picked Senator Clinton or a younger, independent or Republican running mate - perhaps even a non-politician.

Given all of that, Michelle Obama did a great job last night (along with other family members - see "Obama's sister") introducing herself, her husband, and their personal and family histories - and their family. The Obamas' daughters were cute, though Sasha's hamming it up (including prodding her father to correct the information he gave about where he was) and Obama appearing by video I thought was a little corny. Nevertheless, introducing this cute family, articulate young woman (younger than me!), and appealing personal and family histories was a good move. There are three more days to make the case against the Bush-Cheney-McCain administration.

-- Perry

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