Saturday, January 3, 2009

Almost 60 votes

Although the early December re-election of Georgia Republican Saxbee Chambliss to the U.S. Senate apparently doomed the Democrats' chances of winning a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority in the Senate (even when you count the votes of New England independents Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders), amazingly, the Democrats inched closer to 59 votes late tonight as former "Saturday Night Live" comedian Al Franken (pictured above) appears more likely to beat incumbent MN Republican U.S. Senator Norm Coleman by a couple of hundred voters, after a recount in our 2001-2003 home state of Minnesota. A Senate majority needs 60 votes to "invoke cloture" - to cut off debate even when members of a determined minority are reading the Bible - or whatever - word for word to bring Senate business to a halt until a majority quits trying to ram through something the minority opposes vehemently.

-- Perry

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