Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama wear

Perry's love of Obama by early October was obvious to everyone. His office mates had thrown him an Obama birthday party. Perry had volunteered calling for Obama and Baron Hill over in Indiana. But by his birthday I was stumped what to get him to outdo everyone else. I got him a pair of shoes (him having worn out the ones I had bought him previously), but that just isn't fun.
Thanks to AOL and Google I found the perfect birthday gift for Perry. I had pulled off the perfect coup by ordering early (several weeks before his birthday) and even wrapping them without him finding the gift. I found him...Obama Wear. I even got him to promise to wear them on election day even though I would be in Guatemala. A picture of the front, which has the face of Obama printed in white, I haven't posted. Perry was even squeamish about the following picture, but I have to show the perfect Perry gift.

PS. He did complain after wearing them that they were a little tight. I think it is just the shrinking economy.

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Anonymous said...