Friday, January 2, 2009

Ribbons for Christmas

When I was little, getting ready for Christmas always included hanging the wreath on the door, putting together without directions the fake Christmas tree, listening to stories of how I ate/chewed my first Christmas ornament (I got one each year until...well, maybe the past few years), setting orange electric candles in the windows, getting out the large plastic nativity scene with the football shaped Jesus, and placing the box of ribbon candy on the coffee table in the living room. Each Christmas there was some variation. Maybe we would get white bulbs for the electric candles, or find the funny looking electric Santa face to put in the window, or God forbid find the directions for how to put the fake tree together (or even more life a real tree), but there was always a constant at Grandma and Grandpa's house...ribbon candy on the coffee table.

After Grandpa died my Dad carried on the tradition of finding and buying the ribbon candy, but it slowly got harder and harder to find. When Grandma died and Dad and I moved the tradition sort of faded away. Vincent never got a chance to try ribbon candy given he was too young to eat hard candy.

You can imagine my surprise and joy this season when visiting my Mom and Bob they offered Vincent, Perry, and me candy from a box and not the chocolate kind. Vincent was skeptical until he broke off a piece following all of our examples and tasted what I remember as part of Christmas, ribbon candy. I think Vincent has become a convert to what I hope becomes a revived tradition, ribbon candy and visiting with family.

--- Stephanie

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