Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice storm

Already in the third day of our snow emergency more Kentuckiana folks have lost electric power than did during Hurricane Ike in September (see "Ike aftermath"), what with ice gathering on and knocking down trees, electric power lines, telephone lines, and cable TV lines down. All four of the administrative assistants in my office have lost power, whole parts of our suburb of St. Matthews have lost power, and a few of our neighbors have lost power. Big differences are that it's in the 20s, instead of the 70s, and it's hard to get around town - with all of the ice and snow - unlike in September. Even some employers with power - like mine on Tuesday and Wednesday - were shut (if no one could get to work). We also took the usual kinds of disaster tourism walks with our dog. Above is our neighbor's tree, in her front yard - which ice has started to knock down (and get in our shared driveway's personal space). The largest tree in our front yard still stands tall.

I went out to shovel and walk the dog out Wednesday morning before much traffic had gone by and so the snow was relatively undisturbed.

Here's the first tree to go down in one of our neighbor's front yard - near the place where a big tree went down and blocked St. Matthews Avenue for nearly a week during and after Ike.

I think that's Frisco running to catch up with me on Kennison Avenue.

Below is St. Matthews Avenue - a block further up - lined by the icy trees.

Below is cool picture of the sun with one of neighbor's snow-bound cars in their front yard.

And a snow-bound (and partially blocked off) Massie Avenue.

And a neighbor whose shared tree had dropped into one of their roofs.

And - below - down the street a few hourses - a tree that had split in half.

Stephanie and Frisco got ahead of me on our Wednesday lunchtime walk.

This is a neighbor - across Chenoweth Lane - that already had a big tree go down during Ike.

And kitty-corner across Colonial and Massie from his house . . .

Less than a block from where we took that famous picture of the tree through the stationwagon on Staebler - after Ike - is a tree through a pick-up truck - on Colonial.

And - from a different angle . . .

And tree limbs everywhere . . .

Snow-covered trees also abound . . .

Heine Brothers - a staple throughout Ike - has been open again throughout (and I stopped and got Guatemalan coffee for Stephanie and Vincent there tonight - may be first time I've ever bought coffee).

Stephanie and Frisco start to catch up with me from the walk.

I waited to take this picture almost too late.

The picture below is from this morning (Thursday) at about 7:30 a.m. - (I got to go in a couple of hours late - after not working for two days.)

Below is a picture as I drove through the downtown - on Main Street - to work.

Here's the Peace Seeker horse statue - with ice - in front of the Presbyterian Center - this afternoon.

-- Perry

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