Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Big day

Today is a big day for several of our family members. In Ohio, Nancy, who's been fighting a nasty rash that has nearly derailed her ongoing chemotherapy treatments, plows ahead with six hours of chemotherapy at the Cancer Center, then more at home for another day. Nancy has been undergoing chemotherapy for about a month now. There's already some sign of its success in her test results, but the side effects have also become more pronounced. With her is Stephanie's stepfather, Bob, whose pancreatitis recurred over the weekend. This is an stomach/intestinal ailment that he sharees with Frisco, that no doubt makes it hard for him to eat and makes him very miserable (and can be dangerous). Also in Ohio, Stephanie's father, Larry, today confronts in court (court building - which we know well from child custody and child support battles - pictured above) some tenants who have been making his life difficult, in a kind of nother chapter to an ongoing legal/rental property saga that goes back at least to last fall. In Tallahassee, where I'm at, my Mother learns this afternoon at what time we'll be arriving at the hospital tomorrow morning (as early as 5 a.m.), for her conventional left knee surgery. She'll spend most of the evening in a complicated bathing procedure that supposed to help prepare her. Over in California my Father is trying to complete a translation from Korean to English - plus insert a lot of Korean history footnotes - of letters of a Korean Christian martyr while he fights ongoing health problems like high blood pressure and bad legs. And in Roskilde, Denmark, Vincent - as we speak (it's 3 p.m. there) - is leaving the school and meeting his host family - and hopefully will envetually get to sleep.

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