Sunday, June 1, 2008


We live near a heavily used set of railroad tracks that run from east of town into town - along Westport Road, near our house; then along Frankfort Avenue, near the church - then into my old neighborhood, Phoenix HIll. For the past week's repair people have actively involved in changing the railroad ties. The big black wooden slabs that have been laying aside the track f for several weeks finally got installed/swapped in later this month. Two at at time the repair people had to take roads that crossed over the tracks (they also repaved all of the street right next to the tracks). This past week they alternatively closed off St. Matthews Avenue and Chenoweth Lane and the street into the Masonic homes - first, without, then, with - a DETOUR sign. Without the DETOUR sign, plenty of people ended up driving down our street and down Staebler (tree in yard near Staebler pictured above).

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