Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Man You Had in Mind

I watched a super-long preview of this documentary film about five gay male couples when our church was deciding whether to co-sponor a screening of the film (along with the dissident Catholic congregation that worships in our church Sunday night and the Fairness campaign). (See the "Easter vigil" blog entry.) Saturday night I only caught the tail end of the discussion with one of the actual couples (Eric, now 78, and Eugene, now 80 - pictured above in the early 1950s and recently with the Anamchara pastor) depicted in the film, who've been together in Oregon for 55 years. One of them men had some touching advice for any couple trying to hold onto love and joy in their relationship through good times and bad, then I held the door to our Fellowship Hall open as a majority of the crowd of some 60 gay men, other people from Anamchara, and people from our church entered to share some 55th anniversary cake with the two men. Happy anniversary!

Click here to watch the preview I watched: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmtaLjT8e_c

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