Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CAT scan results

Mom called tonight with good news and bad news. She was good enough to give me the bad news first. It seems her white blood cell count is down again and she wasn't able to take chemotherapy. She has to have a white blood cell count about 1500 and today her count was down around 980. If she were to take the chemotherapy it would lower her white blood cell count even more and leave her unable to fight infections. She can't take anything to raise her white blood cell count because it would interfere with her multiple medications for chemo.

The good news was her CAT scan results. Dr. Knapp had taken a CAT scan last week when she took her chemotherapy. He focused mainly on her lower abdomen because mom's liver is the most infected and it hasn't gone to her lungs. Today she got her CAT scan results and her biggest tumor in her liver is 25-30% smaller. Dr. Knapp seems to think this means the other tumors will also have been affected about the same amount. This indeed is good news and harkens back to the New York Times article about Avastin that I had read earlier this week. Avastin cuts off the blood supply to the tumors so they can not grow.

-- Stephanie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Picture me doing the Happy Dance
