Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hair cut excursion

I took Martha to get her hair cut today. I had not been out to where she gets her haircut since we had rescued some squirrels from our front yard back when we still lived in Tallahassee. I didn't remember exactly where it was, other than it was pretty far out on North Monroe close to Lake Jackson.

We got there in time to meet Julie, Martha's hair dresser, which she has seen for many years. We also got to try out and measure the new chairs Julie has in the lobby/waiting area. Martha has been trying different chairs to find an easy kitchen chair that she can get out of with out tipping it over. So far the 24 inch pub chairs that we came across at the GoodWill store are pretty easy.

On the way out of the hair dresser's studio we saw a little man-made pond. It had a little frog in it that reminded me of the multiple failed ventures we had in having a pet frog. Little did we know that the frogs you buy in Ohio at Petland are the same type of frogs that live in the wild and everywhere in Florida.

-- Stephanie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a haircut since I started chemo nor have I had to shave my legs. My hair is thinning out a lot due to the chemo. When this is all over, the doc says my hair will grow back. I hope I never have to shave my legs again!
