Sunday, July 13, 2008


I helped organize a potluck lunch after church today, at which three or four folks reflected on their experiences at the Presbyterian Church General Assembly last month in San Jose (scene from General Assembly in the picture above). Clara talked about her work as a Youth Advisory Delegate, including her effort in the Youth Committee to change the title from YAD to Young Adult Advisory Delegate (see also "High and lows (again)" and "Young people"). Marcia (see also "Baby Isabel") talked about the work of the Church Orders committee she served on proposing changes to how the denomination handles gays and lesbians. And our two journalists - Jerry (who was also reporting - and cooking - from Montreat) - gave an overview of other activities. Afterwards - during and after the discussion - others made observations and asked questions. Jerry said he wished that the interest groups that advocate on issues like gay ordination (perhaps even the one that our Louisville and Crecent Hill churches belong to, Covenant Network) could redirect some of their efforts towards mission - though Martha said she thought the advocates of gay ordination were respectful and low-key this time (unlike the non-Presbyterian (?) on the other side whose activities outside the convention center may have doomed their cause (see "Gay issues"). Marcia also said she wished advocates sometimes did not have such free rein over committee members - that the commissioners sometimes needed more physical, psychological, and spiritual space for their discernment. Izzy hoped that some people were there in San Jose not to advocate but just to pray for the Assembly and for the church. (Jerry said that even with writing 2-3 articles a day and helping cook food twice a day for the 11 CHPC folks there, the weeks was pretty relaxing. He said group dynamics in the cabin were good and that - with an afternoon off - in addition to Vincent swimming, they all went over to church members who summer at a cabin nearby and had ice cream.) A nice chance to reflect on San Jose, filling (to my surprise) most of the seats others had set out in the Fellowship Hall, with plenty of varied food (lots of casseroles - for once, not that many deserts), though I didn't get to eat ad nauseam because I helped M.C. the spoken part (though - drats - I forgot to take pictures). Thanks to Clara, Marcia, Eva, Jerry, Martha, and many others from our church for the work at General Assembly and interpretation/reflection on it thereafter (and to Patti and Soni for helping set up and clean up and to Pastor Jane for suggestions on set-up).
-- Perry

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