Saturday, July 12, 2008

Homeward bound

Throughout this week I read Jerry Van Marter’s Presbyterian News Service dispatches from Montreat and I called there three or four times – but never talked with Vincent – to see how things were going. I know from Jerry’s stories for example about many of the sermons – including those by Bridgett Green – that Vincent heard (whether or not he listened), and that campers were to try out (Biblical) foot-washing in their small groups Thursday. It’s hard to imagine how that went well. But Mary, one three adults in the cabin, has said things continue to go well (though she wasn’t participating in the small groups and even in worship).

Today the seven teens and three adults are taking two vehicles to come home. They’ll stop at nearby Presbyterian Warren Wilson College (where a friend of ours was briefly president and which has sent Vincent some college materials) (pictured above) to pick up Carlos, a now college student from our church who’s part of the Guatemalan family that has joined us for the past two years. Vincent gets along well with Carlos, and so that should be good. Hopefully, Vincent’s been bonding well with the three other boys – boys he’s had a historically complex relationship but with whom he got along pretty well in Guatemala a year ago.

If Denmark was any indication, Vincent being away for a time isn’t necessarily good for him behaving and us getting along when he gets back. We’ll see what kind of influence church camp was on him. If he did behave (and I don’t know whether we’ll ever know about that – because I doubt anyone else from our church was in his small group), I’ll owe him something because I’m still having trouble picturing him in worship twice a day for 5 ½ days and in Christian youth group-style small groups (with people he doesn’t know) once or twice a day. (Perhaps he met some other people he got along with – who knows?) Anyway, we’ll see how this week goes. I hope to see “Julius Caesar” (see “Samurai Caesar”) and some movies. Vincent is to do more volunteer work at the library and to go to the orthodontist and dentist (for two fillings) – and hopefully to martial arts class. (Maybe we can also go the gym/pool – As you can see, between this and walking the dog (and cooking supper?), I’m not going to get a lot of work done this week – but maybe on the weekend . . . ) Then we’re slated to go to Centre College and then on to Fort Wayne for the Ikasucon anime convention (anime character used in the Ikasucon logo pictured below) Friday. Say a prayer that we got along and that I still get a little work done.

P.S. This just in: Vincent called and said they’ll arrive at church around 6 p.m.

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