Friday, July 11, 2008

Reliving Thanksgiving

Yesterday when I took Martha to get her hair cut close to Lake Jackson we started to remember the Thanksgiving that Perry, Vincent, Frisco, and I tried to walk across Lake Jackson and have Martha pick us up. It turned into a fiasco, with Martha worried and sheriffs called. (before shots at the bottom) But we did replicate some of her drive trying to find us and found lots of lovely homes on very narrow, winding, streets.

It all started when that summer a sink hole had opened at the bottom of Lake Jackson and the whole lake had drained. Martha, Perry, and I had done the Bare Bottom Run, or in our case walk, that had been organized. While we walked along the now bare bottom of the lake we would see signs that would say things like "this area usually under 15 ft. of water". We also saw fish skeletons and some boats that must have sunk years ago.

When Thanksgiving came around and time for our outing (we always do a big walk after Thanksgiving dinner and before dessert...sort of to help with digestion but also to get to talk and enjoy the outdoors before it is too cold) we thought walking across Lake Jackson would be fun. We first went to the Indian mounds at Lake Jackson close to the Sugar Mill that we often hike around during the Thanksgiving walk. From there we thought we could walk across and come out at what Martha says is Faulk Rd.

Well once we got started we learned that from summer to November some of the lake had filled in. We got lost in the weeds that had grown up along the bottom and found some parts impassable between weeds, standing water, and muck. While it was a good walk we noticed it was getting dark, we weren't making as good a time as we had imagined, and as the sun set the air was getting cooler. Martha was getting worried and this was long before any of us had cell phones (who knows if we would have gotten reception at the bottom of the lake anyways...mermaids don't make phone calls).

We finally walked out on the bank in someone's backyard and followed their now dry docks to where we thought the boat landing Martha was to pick us up at was. We found a sheriff there who asked us questions. We thought we were in trouble for trespassing but later realized that they were trying to find out if we were the "missing walkers" that had been called in by Martha. The sheriff then went back to where Martha had parked looking for us and brought us all together. Needless to say this walk hasn't been replicated, both because the lake has more water (even though it hasn't completely filled in eight years later ...see photos above), we've moved on to Northern more areas, and we don't like getting lost and having dessert delayed.

-- Stephanie

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