Wednesday, July 30, 2008

End of July update

You'll recall that - as Stephanie left - my Mother started back to work. Within a few days, Mom was back to working full-time. She's working in physical therapy appointments twice - and then once - a week, at the of the day. She's not going to try to go to tai chi while she works hard at work on a presentation - I think next week - summarizing and analyzing FL's ACT results - she'll be briefing the education commissioner about this before the presentation. Mom has arranged for a woman from church to come and help her clean the house every two weeks. The woman starts this week. Mom still has to struggle with some tiredness and remembering to do exercises at home - and earlier this week she faced some swelling in her surgery leg. Still, hopefully she's on her way to a solid recovery, with some new factors built into her life - help with housecleaning, her home with new furniture and grab bars somewhat re-engineered for her (and minus some books and clothes that have been library-ied or Goodwill-ed), and some more exercise built into her life. I suspect in a few weeks she's going to lose the handicapped parking space underneath her building (pictured above) - and that may pose a big challenge - since unless she gets rides she'll then have to park far away.

Stephanie's Mother continued chemotherapy on Tuesdays. The doctors continue to monitor both the effectiveness of the treatment against her tumors and her blood count and other symptoms of negative side effects from the treatment. Still, now, they've seen some effectiveness and some side effects. Stephanie's stepfather Bob continues to have stomach problems that may be long term side effects of his treatment against cancer a dozen plus years ago. He's still suffering and they're waiting for some new test results.

My sister and her family suffered from the air-conditioning in their house going out and some plumbing problem. When you're no longer a renter, you can't ask the landlord to fix these types of problems. When their son Jacob was staying downstairs for a while because of these problems, he didn't suffer from cold and wheezing symptoms, which made them (and him) think the carpet upstairs was bothering him. Jacob can't keep staying downstairs, because there's no bedroom down there. But Penny and Serge may have to take the new carpet they put down up there out (and replace it with something else), because it's apparently triggering Jacob's allergies.

We're eyeing August 9-10 as I believe the days that Grandpa Beck and Aunt Sandy go to the doctor. And the newly elected Stated Clerk (Gradye Parsons) awaits word from doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, where Tom (Stephanie's step-brother) was treated for lung cancer, as to when they can go ahead with surgery - heart surgery? - that he found out he needs (he found out immediately before the General Assembly meetings, which he was essentially in charge of.

(I went to hear part of a brown bag discussion with the new denominational moderator last week, and joined FaceBook and found that the moderator and I are among other people now FaceBook "friends.")

I'm praying not only for Mom, Nancy, Bob, Penny, Serge, Jacob, Sandy, Grandpa, and Gradye - and for Vincent - but also for our Unitarian Universalist brothers and sisters in Louisville, Macomb, and elsewhere. One of the congregations I worshiped with during my eight months in Macomb, IL, was the Unitarian society there. And next week among the denomoinational/faith group researchers at the gathering I'll be at will be two or three from UUA. You'll recall that - while Stephanie, Vincent, and I were in Nashville this past weekend - a gunman walked into an event at a Unitarian congregation over in Knoxville - and shot several people - apparently because - among other things - he disliked Unitarians' ethics/politics. That makes us all a little more nervous (all the more so since our Louisville and Tallahassee congregations are among the more liberal in town).
-- Perry

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