Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day Eve prayer

A Father's Day Eve prayer for both of our mothers: Martha and Nancy grew pensive Friday as they contemplated the road in front of them - in my Mother's case, in trying to recover from her knee surgery and hopefully emerge stronger and more agile (and then do it all over again with the other knee) and, in Stephanie's mother's case, in continuing chemotherapy treatment against cancer and perhaps eventually combatting some cancer symptoms. Nancy is suffering some unpleasant and unhealthy symptoms, probably mainly from chemotherapy (on top of symptoms from her car accident/foot injury seven years ago). Martha is falling behind the schedule her therapists would like for her rehabilitation as she tries to bend her knee and take care of very basic tasks for herself. Both of them sometimes wonder if they have the strength to go on with rehabilitation/treatment. Join us on this Father's Day Eve in praying for healing, determination, wisdom, and peace for these two incredible women, our moms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting Mark's exhibit at the MoFA! Use your macro setting when taking pix of flowers up close!
If you want to motivate your mom to get well, make sure Penny bring her son to visit her! Mark's mom also went through a period of not wanting to go on/giving up and her two grandsons keep her alive and motivated today. About 3 years ago, her breast cancer came back and metastized sp?). Now she goes to the Cleveland Clinic every 3 wks for chemo treatment. Believe me, if it weren't for her 2 grandsons, I believe she wouldn't go through this long-term continuous treatment. She essentially lives for them.