Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mediterranean cruise

My Tallahassee friend David and I got to talk by phone on my last morning in Tallahassee, Wednesday morning. David’s son is about to go into fourth grade (?) and a niece recently got married in Arkansas. But David sent his recently widowed mother and his son to Arkansas while he and spouse Helen went a previously planned cruise to the Mediterranean. David and I took two years of Latin at Leon together, and he said visiting Pompeii, which Stephanie has also read about in “Dig” magazine, reminded him of learning Roman history and culture in then Ms. Weishman’s Latin classes. David and Helen also visited the Vatican city including the Sistene Chapel. When David taught at tiny North Florida Community College in Madison (where Stephanie was briefly a colleague of his), he occasionally taught world history, and could have used slides or experiences from the trip in that class. At Tallahassee Community College, where I once interviewed for a teaching job, David has only taught U.S. history. Maybe he’ll teach world history again some day. David said there were 3,000 people – passengers and crew members – on the cruise ship. Unlike in the Red Sea, in the Mediterranean there were no pirates, David said.

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