Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mom's home

Mom got upset in a tough Sunday afternoon physical therapy session when she was experiencing pain and frustration and she missed occupational therapy on Monday (what would have been her last OT session) when some confusion about the schedule and a visitor kept her from OT. But Penny and Jacob made it from Charlottesville and Richmond and Jacksonville in time Sunday PM to visit wtih Mom Sunday evening. Penny and Jacob also spent msot of the day away, making it to the rehab clinic in time for Mom's Monday afternoon "discharge meeting" (then off to a boat trip with Penny's friend Crystal). Mom made it to physical therapy Tuesday morning, and then Penny and Jacob arrived, finished cleaning out Mom's room, and she walked with her walker out to her own car, rode 10 minutes home, and walked with the walker in to her home (for the first time in three weeks minus a day).

Mom is still tired at home. Her walker helps her get around the house (but not into her bathroom). She's been a little lonely ever since Barbara left the rehab clinic, and Penny and Jacob have been somewhat busy they arrived. She realizes that going home is not going to be a magic bullet. She's still tired, she still has some trouble getting around, and she realizes she still has much to do at home in at-home physical therapy exercises and in outpatient physical therapy (which starts Thursday) and in some re-engineering of her home. (The soonest patients can be cleared to drive is six weeks after surgery (which would be in three weeks - but I imagine longer for Mom).

Pray her Mom and Penny and Jacob as Mom continues her recovery and rehabilitation at home.

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