Friday, June 6, 2008

Visiting for the game/historic district

Andrew, Jan, and I went out for chicken wings (I had salad too) and then back to their home, where Andrew and I watched Game 1 of the Lakers-Celtics NBA finals. Andrew's sister Becky, who used to cut Stephanie and my hair, stopped by too.

A couple of years ago Becky bought her own building, behind the old Killearn Public, which she shares with another hair stylist, who pays rent, and Salah, her husband, who does massage therapy (in addition to treating it). Becky says her dream is to go back to just hair coloring and turn the area more into a full-service wellness center, much like Vincent's martial arts teacher has been going with her martial arts school (adding pilates, power discs, etc.).

Andrew and Jan currently have four dogs and four cats. For several years Stephanie and Vincent (and sometimes I) would dog sit for Andrew and Jan's family when they out of town. Since they're going to a family reunion in South Carolina tonight (without the animals), they were busy trying to arrange this with other people.

Their younger daughter, Barrie, was staying at a friend's, prior to going with them to South Carolina. They'll stop and see older daughter Kyle, who goes to school in Savannah, for a couple of days. Kyle took her own dog and now one of their (then five) dogs with her to Savannah, where they bought a condo in the historic district. Moshu didn't like spending his days outside in the back yard, but did like going for walks, and now he gets to stay inside and Kyle takes the two dogs on walks (I imagine, through the historic district). Kyle is working this summer as a hostess at a high-end restaurant. Andrew and Jan will meet her new boyfriend, a Savannah local, for the first time this week.

With Andrew and Jan, aside from Barrie, are Tina and Tatum, the two black-colored twins who are getting a little older. They're now down to two puppies, who they can't really leave in the house for hours, because they chew things up and go to the bathroom, but they don't want to leave them outside when it's as hot as it is now (all the more neeed for pet-sitting).

Andrew and Jan like visiting Savannah, which my family used to visit when Penny and I were kids. I stopped there going to various forts and the beach on my own about 20 years ago, and then Stephanie and I stopped there and had breakfast on the Factor's Walk, on the river, and then drove around, on our way back from Chris and Sabena's wedding in Washington, DC, maybe 6-7 years ago (same trip where we connected with turtle Speckles). We listened to abridged (?!) "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" (set in Savannah) books on tape on the way home, as we rushed to meet my Mom as she got out of one of her arthroscopic knee surgeries (a preliminary for her knee replacement surgery this past Wednesday).

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