Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday morning update

I talked with some of Mother’s care givers Thursday: physical therapist, nurse, and dietician (but didn’t reach the physician’s assistant) to try to help her resolve some issues. Wednesday night went better with her having to get up and go to the bathroom (or bedside commode) less frequently, but Thursday night she was back at it (frequent trips). She may have an infection basically from being in bed so far. After 48 hours without using the machine that moves her knee up and down (keeping it from stiffening), she was back on it Thursday night (at about 70%). She’s making some progress with bending her knee/range of motion, but she still can’t get in and out of bed without assistance. She’s got a treatment planning meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning, which I hope to participate in by phone. One issue that’s making her anxious but also motivating her progress: she overheard the staff talking about one patient they were going to have to evict/ship home because this patient’s progress was too slow and they couldn’t justify to insurance keeping the patient anymore.

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